How to Become a Techie in 2023?

Wanna become a Tech Guy? Follow this guide to become a techie.

These days technology is one of the rapidly growing industries in the world and there is no doubt that it’s not going to stop anytime soon in the future.

It is not quite difficult to become a techie but it requires some energy and time to learn the basics of technology.

There could be any reason due to which you want to become a techie but the self-assessment will always be good before you start.

If you know anything about the inside or outside makeup of a computer system you can learn about the specifications of a hard drive, RAM, SSD, CPU and try to learn more about them. RAM is necessary for gaming.

You are not a beginner in the technology field if you have learned any programming language like HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript or you are already working on different operating systems such as Windows, OS, Mac, and Linux to make a website or computer application.

To become a techie always requires hard work and dedication whether you are a beginner or not.

There are some steps through which you can start your exciting journey.





Learning from Google

You should treat your PC as a friend. If you want to learn anything about a particular thing or have any questions you can use Google to search about it.

You can get information about computers.

This information can be in the form of e-books or on websites.

You can also read physical books as well about computers which you can find in your library. 





Get knowledgeable in Other Fields

Like maybe you are not interested in digital cameras and don’t want to answer the questions about the digital camera but it will be worth it for you to learn about the digital camera to at least increase your knowledge about digital cameras.

Everything you learn will help you at any stage or point in your life.

Be an Expert

You should become an expert about one particular thing.

For this first, you need to know something related to knowledge which you find interesting and also enjoy.

Like you are interested in blogging by using the WordPress site.

Then you should research this particular topic and try to learn and know how you can master this skill to become a tech expert.


Learn to Treat System Viruses

You can also learn about how to protect systems from malware, viruses, or spyware.

There is some great anti-virus software available like Malwarebytes, Avast, AVG, Spybot, and SpyHunter.

Some of this Anti-Virus software is also available for free.


Learn About Programming

In technology, programming is considered one of the most important skills if you want to become a techie.

There would not be any kind of websites or Windows if no one could know the programming skills.

Even we would not have Mp3 players, video games and any kind of electronic products.

The languages like C-C++, C#PHP, and Java are some of the programming languages which you can learn.

There are a lot of websites available out there from where you can learn programming languages.

If you really want to start learning to program you should start with HTML.




Use  Linux or Unix

The operating system family of Unix is considered very common for most techies and you need to learn from it if you want to be a techie.

This operating systems family is free and you can easily view the source code used by these operating systems.

As compared to Windows this family of operating systems uses better programming and technical tools.

You can also join a community of tech experts and don’t hesitate to ask any kind of question.

You can have technical and scientific discussions and conversations with some of your expert colleagues and experts in school or at your working place.

In this way, you can get face-to-face information and start learning things in the right way.


Learn Each Day

Technology is also a continuously changing field which means that what you know today might change tomorrow.

So, you need to keep learning every day even if you learn only a few things.

You will don’t need to ask around in the future if you learn how to fix an error of DLL now.

For this, you can join any type of online training course available out there.


Practice Everything you Learn

Technology is a practical field. You have to apply all of your knowledge to solve the issues.

You should always practice the things which you learn every day.

Perform it for the maximum time until you master that particular skill.




Surround yourself with other tech Guys

You need to connect with other people as technology is a little scary field. Try to connect with technical people.

Because you can get practical knowledge and learn something new from them.

But it is not very easy to find fellow techies.

There are a great number of tech groups out there where you can find techies and seek knowledge and help from them.


Be Furious and Focus

You will always remain clueless if you act like you have knowledge about everything.

You should train yourself as you have a child’s mind. Try to ask questions about different things.

Actually, you try to understand when you ask questions about anything and in the end, you get a lot of knowledge.

You will find a great number of ways to become a techie but if you don’t have self-belief even if they can, it will help you to be successful in the field of technology.



Build Your Own Website

You need to forget about all the drag and drop page builders or content management systems and use your programming knowledge about JavaScript and HTML to build your website.

Instead of using attractive graphics, you should focus on some useful tools and techniques.


Enroll in an Online Course or Workshop

Different universities, colleges, and tech centers mostly offer weekend workshops and courses where you will get entry-level instructions on programming, networking, and web development.

Moreover, online courses are also a cost-effective and relatively quick way to get some great knowledge of your field.


Take Part in an Open Source Project

It does not mean that you are not able to take part or contribute to an open-source project as you are not a pro MySQL or PHP developer.

An open-source project required people to write documentation and help in other possible ways.

You will learn something about techie life when you will contribute to an open-source project.


Volunteer Your Tech Services

You should not stay as you are a beginner.

Try to search for anybody, even an old relative who needs any kind of assistance related to the computer.

This thing will also test your communication skills about technology and it is also considered as one of the important skills for tech professionals.

Religious or nonprofit organizations may also be looking for individuals with some tech skills.


Write Program

For tech experts programming is an important skill as we have also discussed earlier.

One of the quick ways to get started in programming is learning about JavaScript.

For this, you just need a text editing program, a web browser, and online tutorial help.


Read Tech and Computer Books

You can visit your nearby bookstore or library and go through the book section of the computer.

You can find a great number of books on different topics such as networking and programming if that is a megastore.

Moreover, it will also help you to explore different jobs in the technology field.





Self Learning Instead Traditional SC Degree

There is no doubt that a traditional university computer science degree could be a good lift but that is not enough to fulfill the technical workforce and it can not help you to become a techie.

Different computer science programs teach theory and technology that is not used by the developers every day and they require a lot of time and money as well. 

It is not necessary for a web development expert to know how to write a compiler or operating system.

This does mean to say that a computer science degree is not needed but it is not the only way to become a technology expert.

One thing is clear that self-learning is not very easy because you don’t have any kind of support or structure system and on the other hand there is a lot of information available that it becomes tough to give priority to one of them.

Through a traditional computer science degree, you may get a good amount of theory concepts but it will not fulfill the needs of a practical workforce.

As compared to this boot camps react in a quick way to the market needs and help people running quickly.

But developers produced by these boot camps cannot operate well except the small niche.

It would not be good to learn only from one of them.

When you analyze you will see that Bootcamp students have various creative ideas to solve different problems.


Dividing the Learning Process Into Actionable Steps

It’s so easy to go ahead as there are so many opportunities available out there.

Maybe you want to learn everything about technology quickly as an avid learner.

But this quick approach is not going to benefit you in any way.

Instead, the best approach to become a techie is dividing your learning plan into small and actionable steps.

First of all, you need to search about the particular technology in which you are interested.

You can learn about it from blog posts, articles, or books. Then you should read which things need to learn this particular skill.

The next step is if you are not able to understand it properly you can also seek help from an expert.

Now take an online course or online tutorials about that skill. Then practice this skill until you master it.

By dividing the whole process into small patches you will have a better chance to learn more properly and quickly.

In this way, you will also get a good amount of time to think about how you can apply it to your personal life.

You need to start with only one aspect such as you can choose web or app development and then break it down into small patches or steps like what type of programming you have to learn for it.

After learning about the one programming language, move to the next one.





Make your Own Mark

After setting up, find the best way to get started is to market yourself and work on your own project.

Building your own app or website with coding from scratch is not an easy task.

Immediately, you can get started and create your website or app just for fun.

By doing this you will not only get exposure and skills but you will also build some work portfolio.

It is not an unattainable process to become a tech expert even if you don’t have formal education.

It is possible to pave your way to have a successful career in the tech field.

According to stats and numbers, there are a great number of opportunities waiting for you.


How-To Online Tutorials

From the internet, you can find any type of video or written content that you need to become a techie.

In this case, there is nothing better than YouTube as you can get some quality video content and tutorials free of cost.

If you are looking for an interesting subject you need to type some relevant keywords related to this specific topic and add “how to” at the start of your search.

Moreover, you can also get some professional courses from Udemy which is one of the best marketplaces that offers some quality stuff to learn different technical skills.


 Join a Tech Organization

If you are a student you can search for any kind of organization that teaches some technical skills.

Furthermore, a computer club is one of the best choices to improve your technical skills.

You can also join these organizations even from the comfort of your home through Google.

You need to make sure that the organization deals with some technical aspects and also has some tech experts in their professional expert’s team.


Personalized Tutorials

That is a unique way to learn new technical skills.

Maybe you need some information to get more skills but you should have all of them together.

You can also prefer to outsource the knowledge if you think that your resources are not enough for you to get complete information.


Subscribe to Tech-Savvy Websites Newsletters

It is the best way to get relevant information and constant updates about your topics of interest that you want to master.

First, you have to search for a reputable website with authentic information.

Now you have to subscribe to their newsletter and then you will get regular content updates and information from that website.

Moreover, you can also follow them on social media.


The Advantages of Being a Tech Professional

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Better Chance to Get Hired

If you have enough skills and ability to full the requirements of a tech employee your chances of getting a tech job will be increased.

The people who don’t have enough tech skills to deal with some basic computer skills will not have any chance of getting hired by a tech company.

Because a tech company would not like to hire a person who does not meet at least their basic criteria.


Handsome Pay

Mostly the techies are paid higher than other employees of the company as they occupy some higher position in a company.

So, if you don’t have good tech skills you cannot get a good position in a reputable company.



As we all know, technology is all about making people’s lives better.

There are a number of digital tools available out there.

By using these tools you can find out more ways to deal with difficulties and problems.


Perceived Differently

These days people have enough ability to judge any type of stuff.

If they will know that you are not able to use even a smartphone or software you will be considered below to the people who know how to use smartphones and talk to a person on a personal level. 


Save a Lot of Effort & Time

Automation is considered everything these days.

Taking help from the different software and tools in the market can make your life easier.

You can automate the tasks which you consider time-consuming and avoid spending time doing unnecessary things.



Is tech-savvy a skill?

Being technology savvy means someone has enough skills to be an expert with technology.

This skill covers concepts other than how technology works and its utilization to increase efficiency and productivity.

How I have become tech-savvy?

It is not an impossible task to become a techie but you need to invest some time and money to learn about the basics of tech. 

How can I be the best in technology?

  • Keep updated with modern trends and technology.
  • Learning from online available resources
  • Consulting with tech experts
  • Practicing your skills

How do you master technology?

  1. You should be open-minded.
  2. Get help from industry experts.
  3. Be focused.
  4. Practice your technology skills.
  5. Make a plan and divide it into actionable steps.

Ending Lines

How to become a techie is not an impossible task.

There are a lot of online and offline opportunities available out there from which you can get benefits to learn tech skills.

You just need to be focused and invest your time and money in a pepper way to learn the tech skills.

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