Best Apps for Windows 10 Laptop Free Download for Extra Features

The people who use windows 10 on a regular basis are aware of the fact that although windows 10 contain a lot of utilities and functionalities a number of best apps for windows 10 laptop free download are also available to increase the functionality and utilities of windows 10.

Now we are going to discuss some of the important and useful Windows 10 apps download free to increase your Windows 10 functionality.

Moreover, if you have a new PC or Laptop it will be great to add these apps to your new laptop to make it more valuable.

Here is the list of the best apps for windows 10 laptop free download.

  1. Clipmate
  2. Ninite
  3. Last Pass/1Password
  4. LibreOffice Writer
  5. Malware Bytes
  6. VLC  Media Player
  7. Affinity Photo App
  8. Audacity
  9. Wox
  10. Treesize


Best Apps for Windows 10 Laptop Free Download for New PC


  • Clipmate

The Clipmate helps you to save a big quantity of your clipboards rather than saving the last one.

You can even save a thousand of your clipboards.

Moreover, if you want to edit reform or want to share with someone this functionality is also available.

The windows have added the ability to access more than one clipboards which you have saved.

Anyone can use clipmate to save clipboards. It is free to use for everyone.


The ninite works as a one-window installer. It contains all the essential apps and software.

And it installs all the apps and software you want to download at a time without any kind of restrictions.

You just have to go to the website of ninite and find the apps you want to install then simply you have to click on the ninite button and the rest will be done by the ninite.

It is one of the best apps for windows 10 laptop free download.


If you have a password manager it will protect your passwords which you have created for different purposes in the past from theft and tracking these passwords.

Sometimes we also lost or forget our windows 10 administrative password.

Many kinds of password managers are available but the recommended and best password managers are last to pass and password.

Both of these apps will add your passwords and IDs automatically to your default apps.

These apps will also recommend some of the combinations to protect your passwords.

We will suggest you use one of them.



  • LibreOffice Writer

If you don’t want to use online word processors because of security reasons and also don’t want to purchase Microsoft word then it will be better to have a LibreOffice writer.

It is a good choice to have LibreOffice.

It has grown over the years in the market and contains all the features which an expensive and high-quality app would have.



  • Malware Bytes

If due to any reason malware gets hit any of your drives you will not be able to approach your antivirus software.

But if you will have the malware bytes you have to run it twice and it will detect, found, and remove all the harmful files and data.

Malware byte is one of the best anti-malware software Windows 10 downloads.

Moreover, you don’t have to pay any kind of fee to use it. It is free to use.



  • VLC Media Player

It is an open-source media player.

The VLC media player has been improving its features and functions for 20 years.

It is one of the most useful simple and effective media players for windows.

It is not restricted to windows instead you can use it on Mac, iPhones, android, and different Linux platforms.



  • Affinity Photo App

You will definitely want to have an app for photo editing on your laptop.

And we all know that the best app for photo editing is Adobe Photoshop but at the same time, you have to pay a monthly subscription fee to use it.

It is really good for people who can manage their subscription fees easily.

But if you want a straight and simple photo editing app then we will recommend your affinity photo app.

You don’t have to pay a monthly subscription for it.

This app is quite similar to Photoshop and you will feel the same as you are using Photoshop.

Moreover, the producers of affinity photo apps keep updating and adding new features to this app.



  • Audacity

In the following days, the podcast and audios are a great source of entertainment.

If you want to create podcasts or some kind of audios then it will be better to install audacity to edit your videos because it contains a lot of and different variety of tools.

It also has different plug-ins with previews and the most important thing is that you can use it for free without paying anything.

audacity- Windows-10-download


  • Wox

Wox helps you to find the apps and files you are looking for in an efficient way because it provides you with a launcher like Mac.

It is a very useful and powerful searching tool as compared to the Windows built-in Search Browser.

The important thing is that it provides you with a number of plug-ins to customize your search and it contains translators that translate your search in the launcher.

wox- 2-Best- Apps- for- Windows -10 -Laptop -Free -Download


Most of the time you don’t have enough space to store a large amount of data.

If you will come to know about your storage before it fills up you can easily make arrangements to store your data before this happens.

So it will be better to have an app that will keep you updated about your storage and about which thing is occupying more space.

Sometimes you already know about the things occupying more space for example the images in your PC take half of the storage of your PC.

It is also possible that you may have such files that will free up a lot of space if you will delete these files.

you can also buy Google Storage to store your data.


Bottom Lines

In the above article, we have discussed the best apps for Windows 10 laptop free download.

The list of these apps is given in the above paragraphs.

These apps add some extra features and functionalities to windows 10 software and make it more valuable.

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