How to Boost Your Business On Social Media: 9 Proven Hacks

This is the era of social media!

There’s no way you haven’t heard about the social world, unless… you still live in the stone-age. In the business world, social media can do wonders!

You can easily get access to your potential audience without knocking on doors.

Social media can generate x5 to x10 more revenue for a business if it is done the right way. It can actually help to boost your business on social media.

You have started a business and you are unaware of how to expand it on the internet the right way so you get more traffic leading towards more sales.

Well, you need to optimize your social media existence and grow your business.

 In this article, we will be covering up some of the best strategies as to how can you make your business grow easily on the internet using the power of social media.


Here’s how to boost your business on social media the Marketalist way


Here’s how to boost your business on social media the Marketalist way


There isn’t one way by which you can promote your brand on social media.

There are hundreds of ways, all you need to do is explore them.

But I understand if you would have spare time to explore by yourself why would you be here, right?

So now in this article, you will know why and how you are going to use social media tools to boost your business on social media.

Keep reading on, trust me you will not regret it!


Form a Strategy

The first step towards any goal is to set a goal. Before promoting your business you need to set your target that you would want to achieve.

Otherwise, it would be like running in a marathon with no endpoint.

Don’t worry, it’s not too late.

Create your social media presence on as many platforms as you can (not much that you could not keep a record of).

Social media platforms are a great way to increase your audience if you have a plan on how to do so. 

So first of all, make this your motto; “Set a goal and invest right”.


Target Your Niche Audience

Studies have shown that up to 80 percent of your audience comes from social media platforms as your existence on such platforms proves your authenticity.

If you have no social media appearance, you might end up selling your product to your household only.

When starting a business, you should know the audience that you are gonna be targeting and know what problems they might have and how you can help them solve those problems. 


Use of relevant keyword hashtags [BONUS]

People tend to follow hashtags and keywords if they are searching for a particular niche.

So you can use keywords and hashtags relevant to your work so that your company can rank up in the search engine. 

this way you can not only get discovered by hundreds or thousands of users but will also get engagement growth on your content.  

You can use tools such as Google Keyword Planner to find out which keywords will work the best.


Choose the Platform that Suits your Niche.

Knowing your potential audience’s most used platform is what you need first.

Put up your content on a platform that will urge maximum users to become your customers.

It can be any one of the following or all of them or could be any other than these according to your product/business type.

  • Facebook:  As for the reason that it has the biggest userbase among all other social media platforms, it can be a really good place to start.
    • Youtube:  The most visited video platform in the world. With over 2 billion logged-in users visiting YouTube each month makes it the best place for video ads.
    • Instagram: Who does not have an Instagram nowadays, right? It is the best for engaging with customers and establishing trust.
  • Twitter: Well this one is surely a hub of business.
  • LinkedIn: Do you have a business and not a profile on LinkedIn? kidding, right?
  • Pinterest: Pinterest is also another platform that will create immense engagement on your business profile.


Choose the Platform that Suits your Niche.


Engaging with Audience

What is the use of posting content on social media when there’s no one engaging in it?

How will you grow your business when there is no understanding between you and your audience? Well, here is how!

After knowing your audience you should know how you can communicate with them and one of the best ways that you can do this is by using simple words that anyone with less effort can understand.

You can also use relevant images, videos, or even reference articles so that your reader can understand you. Other than these simple tactics focus on these engaging activities. 


Flow with the trends to boost your business on social media

Social Media trends are one of the best ways to promote our business as you can create something unique related to your business plus any trending content.

In this way, people who will be following trends will get to know about your brand without putting in any effort.

You can also use trending hashtags and keywords in your post to get discovered by most of the users following the same hashtag or keyword.



Free trials for trust

No other thing attracts more audience than the word “FREE”!

When you provide someone with a service, you should always give them a small taste of what you and your work are capable of.

This is beneficial because many people are unsure whether or not you are trustworthy, so by providing them with a free and small one-time trial, you can gain their trust and convince them to buy what you are selling.


Write blogs

Blogs are one of the best ways to attract an audience for your business because, rather than creating an audience, you are diverting attention away from your competitors to your work.
You can provide them with the necessary information about how your company can assist them in achieving their goals using this method.


 Build a Trustworthy Relation

No matter how much you boast about your business, people are never gonna believe you unless you give them a reason to.

The most effective way to gain the trust of users is to get reviewed by those who tested your services. 

Ask your potential customers to give reviews about your services or products so that other users may get lured by it as a customer will only believe another customer, not your marketing personnel.

Work on Aesthetics [VERY IMPORTANT]

Your work is good and it solves the problem, provides the facility, and does everything it claims, and yet when someone visits it they simply go away after sometime before completely having a look at it.

Well, a simple reason why that happens is that your work was not presented in a manner or format that is not visually appealing. Take it this way, if you have Gold with unpleasant packaging then it will simply be considered trash. So to put it simply LOOKS MATTER!


How do I make my work visually appealing on social media?

  • Well, you can start by using the correct color combinations and presenting your work in such an aesthetically pleasing format that it gets your viewer’s attention.
  • Using relevant images and videos of what you are telling can help the other person understand your point and get that person to think that you mean business instead of an amateur in the industry. 
  • You can also provide them with the work you have done in your past and how what you do helps others.


Ads on Social Media

Whenever using the internet in your daily routine, you must have come across advertisements in the form of either posts or short videos.

Well, you simply are gonna do the same thing.

Social media platforms are the biggest and the easiest source to attract traffic because they are the most visited spaces on the internet and can be used in a lot of ways to attract traffic.

Ad campaigns on social media will undoubtedly get you started quickly. You can simply boost your business on social media with Paid Ads.


Ads on Social Media


Don’t Underestimate your Competitors on

Your competitors teach you the most! This fact is undeniable, your competitors are already there, where your goal is.

So stop fretting or getting jealous and start focusing and learning the tactics they used. 

Social media platforms are an excellent way to keep tabs on your competitors.

You can observe how they interact with their followers and the type of content they post.

I’m not asking you to duplicate anything; all I’m asking is that you know what’s what. 

You can even use business tools to keep up your pace.  This trick, believe me, will be highly beneficial to you.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization is the process by which you can get your work to appear up on the search results list provided by the search engines when someone searches for something using certain keywords.

This is something that has been on the rise in the business industry for quite some time and it is really important for any business that wants to be above all.

You can do it by using the most searched keywords related to your work and use them in your blog posts, articles, or wherever you have a presence on the internet.


How do I know what keywords are the best?

You can use tools such as Google Keyword Planner which can help you determine what keywords are most searched and also suggest relevant keywords (LSI) which will increase your chance of being in the top results among all.

Plus you can always hire a Digital Marketing agency like Marketalist to do this job for you.


How Can Marketalist Help You increasing social media presence for business


How Can Marketalist Help You increasing social media presence for business

Now that everything has been explained, it is not compulsory to imply every single bit of information that was given here and you just need to do what suits you the best.

And if you are still confused as to what you can do then you can contact our team of professionals at Marketalist to help you with your business as we provide one of the finest marketing services all over the world.

We are social media experts in increasing your brand/business’ revenue by targeting most potential customers.

Our SEO and Social Media Marketing experts will help you stand out in the clutter.

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