What To Do On Your Phone/Laptop (With Internet) When You’re Bored

Are you getting bored at home? Searching for what to do on your phone when you’re bored?

You can do many things to pass your time when you have nothing to do. One of them is using the internet. 

There is a lot of content available on the internet these days.

But if still, you are not able to pass your bore time quickly then you are at the right place.

Anybody needs to do something productive in their free time instead of wasting time.

The good thing is that still there are a lot of ways to make your free time valuable, productive, and entertaining.

You can do many productive and constructive things online at the time when you are getting bored. 


What to do on the internet when you’re bored 

Given below are few things to do on the internet when bored:


  • Watching Videos
  • Playing Games
  • Podcasts
  • Comics Books
  • Adopting a Hobby
  • Blogging & Journaling
  • Using Reddit

  • Watching Videos

When you think about video sites, the first two big sites that come into your mind are Netflix and YouTube.

As videos are passive so they are one of the best ways to pass your time. There is nothing special that you have to do.

You just have to sit back in your seat after playing the video and you can enjoy videos as long as you want to.

The videos should be entertaining and interesting to watch.

You will find many channels on YouTube that are entertaining as well as educational.

This type of content can help you to expand your mind and thinking.

You will learn about new things and it will make you a prospective personality.


  • Playing Games

If you are getting bored you can play some interesting online games to get your time faster in an efficient way.

You can play games like strategy & war games, puzzle games, first-person shooter games, online multiplayer board games, and city-building games.

But the two games that are interesting and you even don’t know about are GeoGuessr and The Wiki Game. We will discuss these games now.

GeoGuessr: In this game, street view is used that will take you to the locations of all around the world and what you do is to guess the location, you have to simply place a pin on the world map.

The Closer you are to the actual location, the more points you will earn.

There are different types of maps on this game that can help you to decrease the range of locations for you to select.

The Wiki Game: In this game, you have to explore the Wiki articles.

You will be provided with a starting article and an ending article.

Now what you have to do is to move from one article to another by using the internal links by clicking on it.

This game has five modes, the fewest clicks, exactly six clicks, fastest, five clicks to Jesus and the United States excluded as a link.

  • Podcasts

It’s great to listen to different types of podcasts.

It will be quite entertaining and educational for you.

Till now if you have not listened to any kind of podcast we will recommend you to dive into this form of entertainment.

Maybe, you don’t know you are missing something great in your life.

The podcasts can provide quality entertainment.

If you just have started to listen to podcasts then we will recommend you these podcasts:

  • Best True Story Podcasts
  • Best Mystery Podcasts
  • Best True Crime Podcasts

The podcasts will help you in your personal development.

For example, you can learn some important topics like money management and debt through personal finance podcasts.

You can also learn time management from podcasts like productivity podcasts.

You can use podcast apps to download and listen to podcasts offline.

In this way, you can cut your time easily while waiting for an appointment and having long commutes.


  • Comics Books

Now you can read comics online in different ways.

Did you know about this?

There are amateur webcomics available for free.

Moreover, you can also read comics from vertigo, Marvel, and DC even without playing.

Like comic books, a lot of eBooks are available for free to read.

Some quality sites are out there from where you can download eBooks for free and read them.

Just from a single book, you can get entertainment for long hours.

Furthermore, you can carry these books on your phone easily and you can read them at any point in time.

If you like paper books then the option of the kindle is also available for you.

If you can, then simply download the kindle app from your mobile phone.

The kindle screen is also available to read books of kindle that makes it comfortable for you to read e-books.

  • Adopting a Hobby

If you have spare time and you are getting bored then you should adopt a hobby to make your spare time creative for you.

According to the modern trends of the internet, you can learn a number of hobbies and you will also have a chance to earn money as well.

Like you can make videos or podcasts on YouTube. If you are interested only to get entertainment then you can also focus on it instead of making money.

It has been observed that creative hobbies always give you happiness.

Some interesting hobbies that you can adopt are photography, drawing, gardening, and writing.

Moreover, if you are not interested in traditional hobbies then you can look for geeky DIY hobbies as well.

Software-centric hobbies like app development and game development are also good to choose from.


  • Blogging & Journaling

Blogging and journaling is a great activity because it provides you some benefits related to your mental health.

These days the only difference is how we write journals and how we place them.

As compared to the physical notebooks, now some apps are available like Evernote and OneNote.

We can also keep safe articles in our blog.

You need to be honest and take it seriously to write and give your thoughts on different topics.

Now what you have to do is to repeat this process for 30 days and then it will become your habit.

If you continue to do this you will get positive results definitely but it will take some time.

So, it will be quite interesting for you to start a blog and writing journal.


  • Using Reddit

If anyone of the above activities does not work for you then you can move towards Reddit, it is one best site to pass your boring time.

On the platform of Reddit, there are different communities made by the users of Reddit.

These communities focus on different topics and ideas of the society.

The users can also make subreddits when they want.


What to do on your phone when you’re bored

If you have your mobile phone in your hands and still you are going bored it does not make sense at all.

So, we will give you some tips to use your mobile phone when you are free.

  • Clear Email Box
  • Organize Home Screen
  • Removing Notifications
  • Learning a New Language
  • Managing Contacts

  • Clear Email Box

Usually, we have a lot of emails in our inbox that are unnecessary and are not important.

They don’t have any side effects but if you have to receive some important email then you might miss it because of the large number of emails.

It will be difficult for you to see from the list of hundreds of emails which one is so important.

You will also have a great number of unread messages.

That is also important for you to get rid of them.

It will just take 5 to 6 minutes to scan unread emails from your inbox and you can move them to trash or spam.

Moreover, you can spend your time by unsubscribing to the unnecessary newsletter.

In this way, you will get yourself free from such junk emails in the upcoming time.


  • Organize Home Screen

May your mobile phone contain a lot of apps in it because you like to try new apps.

There will be some apps that are not useful for you now.

So, when you have spare time, look at the Home screen of your mobile phone and delete all the unnecessary apps.

By doing this it will be very easy for you to access your favorite apps and the apps you needed the most.

That’s the reason an organized Home Screen makes it easier for you to access different apps.


  • Removing Notifications

Most of the apps on your mobile phone send you notifications regularly.

If you are receiving a lot of notifications may you don’t give him attention due to which you miss some important notifications as well?

Now swipe and access your notification center on the mobile phone.

Then tp on the notification and open the relevant app, tap clear to remove it or you can swipe it left.

You can also clear notifications by selecting all the notifications and holding the X button.


  • Learning a New Language

Learning some new skills is one of the best and productive ways to spend your spare time.

You can learn different languages by downloading and using various mobile apps.

These apps are free to use. You can also learn these languages from skillshare, wikiHow, and YouTube.

You can learn some important skills that will help you in your future.

Whether you choose to learn a new language or try to do something productive there are uncountable ways to do this.


  • Managing Contacts

Some people change their contact details, change their numbers, people move to the new address, and change their email addresses.

So, if you have free time to spend then open the contacts app on your mobile phone and update all the details that you think are out of date.

You can also find that you may have entered the same name for different numbers or the same number for different names.

Some one-time contacts will also be there; you can also remove them.


What to do on your laptop when you’re bored

  • Laptop Backup
  • Organizing Files
  • Changing Passwords
  • Moving your Files to Google Docs
  • Making a Wishlist
  • Removing Unwanted Programs 
  • Reading Tech Blogs
  • Making Fitness Plan


  • Laptop Backup

One of the important things you can do in your spare time on your laptop is making backup of complete laptop data.

You can also use GFI free backup tool for Windows and snapshot.

If you don’t have a backup of your laptop then there is nothing important for you to do in your free time.


  • Organizing Files

You can organize all the directories and files located on your laptop.

It will be quite difficult for you to find the right sub-directory if you have a lot of directories on your laptop.

It’s much more complicated for you if you have a large number of directories on your laptop.

Furthermore, you can use Linux Google desktop or Windows Google Desktop to search your files.


  • Changing Passwords

Do you remember the last time when you changed the passwords of your email or social media accounts?

In your spare time, you can do something unique by making a routine of changing all of your important passwords yearly.

For this, you can use the multi-platform password manager to store some of your important passwords in your laptop in a secure way.

If you are not interested in changing all the passwords on your laptop then change only a few important passwords only.


  • Moving your Files to Google Docs

If you have some important personal or professional documents and sometimes you need to access them on some other systems as well then you can save all of your important documents on Google Docs to access from any system and at any time you need.

When you will have all of your documents online saved in Google docs then you will don’t need to backup your files or data.

Moreover, you can share any documents with your family or friends.


  • Making a Wishlist

You can make a list of all the books and gadgets that you need and you want to purchase on your laptop.

You can see some reviews and information about these products that you want to purchase.

You can also make a Wishlist for an online website from which you want to shop someday and make a list of all of the important things you would like to buy.


  • Removing Unwanted Programs 

If you are using some unwanted software or programs then you can see these unwanted programs from Linux and uninstall them from your laptop.

You have to navigate to Windows then do the remove or add program and check if there is any unwanted software or program then delete it.

It will increase performance of your laptop and will give you some extra disk space as well.


  • Reading Tech Blogs

Several tech blogs are having very high-quality content.

More than 1 lac tech blogs are listed on the website of Technorati.

So, you can search the list of all the tech blogs and select any one of them in which you are interested.

You can collect a lot of information and data related to advanced technology.

The latest news related to technology is also posted on these blogs daily. 


  • Making Fitness Plan

If you have spare time you can make exercise and diet plans for your fitness and health on your laptop.

So, you can make a basic and simple exercise plan for yourself.

If you like you can also share this plan with some of your friends and family.

You can ask them to check whether you are following this schedule or not.

Moreover, you can visit sites like a daily plate, fitday and dailymile can help you regard your fitness plan.


Ending Lines

In the following articles, we have discussed what to do on your phone/laptop (with the internet) when you’re bored.

We have covered almost all the possible things that you can do with your mobile laptop and internet if you think that your time is not going faster.

We have discussed how you can productively utilize your time to learn some skills.

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